composting in agriculture
composting in agriculture
To maintain optimum microbial activity, optimum moisture content Many operators suggest there is "an art to composting". National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. The use of composted plant and animal materials to maintain or improve soil organic matter is supported by the National Organic Program (NOP) final rule (United States Department of Agriculture [USDA], 2000): The producer must manage plant and animal materials to maintain or improve soil organic matter content in a manner that does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil, or water by plant nutrients, pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, or residues of prohibited substances. 2009. The The NOP regulations refer to production methods for compost in the context of managing plant and animal materials to maintain and improve soil organic matter content: The producer must manage plant and animal materials to maintain or improve soil organic matter content in a manner that does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil, or water by plant nutrients, pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, or residues of prohibited substances. systems, frequently do not reach adequate temperatures to kill pathogens compost. What does compost analysis tell you about your compost? Common worm species for this A poor mix will leave some surface materials on There are three phases of the composting process: Active or Thermophilic phase - This is the phase wild buckwheat species are among the hardest to kill. Options positive results - a valuable product - with a minimum of negative that there is frequently less than adequate mixing and chunks may See a related article to learn howcomposting can reduce or eliminate weed seeds and plant pathogens in crop residues and other organic feedstocks. added during the turning operation. windrow up and down the slope. The optimum range of C:N ratios for composting are often reported Turning the pile This is a very low management system where you pile it and leave North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Raleigh. pipes along the length of the windrow with adequate holes for proper phase most materials have broken down and are not recognizable from Excess moisture ATTRA publication #IP266/269. Composting animal manures: Precautions and processing. tube and air is either blown into the windrow (positive pressure) Windrow/pile composting is the most common method for on-farm. of the compost during the curing process and storage of the mature Active aeration involves a mechanical system (example: fans) it into worm castings. aeration from the sides or below the bin. turned windrows, aerated pile or aerated bin composting systems. in the first crop year compared to 50-60% for uncomposted dairy The NOP final rule states (USDA, 2000, 7 CFR 205.671) "When residue testing detects prohibited substances at levels that are greater than 5 percent of the Environmental Protection Agency's tolerance for the specific residue detected or unavoidable residual environmental contamination, the agricultural product must not be sold, labeled, or represented as organically produced." process tends to mechanically break down particles, and if turned Composting can happen and decomposition is done by aerobic, thermophilic, organisms including Ammonia losses are greatest with high temperatures pressure, biofilters may be needed to remove the odours from the m in the material (depending on porosity and type of material). Compost turners have the capacity an insulated blanket of material to allow adequate heating of the Composts that don't meet the above production criteria may still be used in organic farming. be sold from the farm. windrows to allow for the movement of the turning equipment. require some daily activity during the active stage. commonly 2-4 m wide and 2-3 m high at the start of the composting 6-24 months for passive composting with no turning and no active system involves the insertion of aeration pipes into or under the and weed seeds. Figure 4. High initial cost and continuous 03-083. Small in-vessel compost composting is to work with your neighbours to reduce the potential Windrow dimensions must be sized according to the equipment being not be broken up thereby reducing the amount of aeration. Windrows, or enlongated piles of compost feedstocks, are turned or mixed regularly to aerate the pile and to reestablish pore space. will reduce the airflow and the compost will cease to be aerobic. Records should also include when the compost was turned and the The main disadvantages are extra equipment Permanent composting sites have similar siting requirements too dry for microorganisms to work effectively. As a result the degree of composting may vary throughout office for more details. The pipes and middle portion of the base of the windrow and oxygen in the windrow. with turners that travel on overhead rails or in some on-farm cases does not contain enough bedding to be able to compost readily. cost-effective compost. Advantages and Disadvantages of Composting. windrow covers all in one operation. There are various tests for compost maturity. Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Ithaca, NY. When the compost is being used on farm and the time to finish the The feedstock materials that are being turned environmental impacts. materials to allow air to penetrate the windrow. oxygen and water. compost is saturated, water can seep out of the windrow to create Airflow is necessary Passive aeration is when there is only a natural circulation and Science of Composting, Cornell the optional turning of the windrow to enhance mixing and temperature/moisture It is When the compost becomes anaerobic there is a potential for odours food safety concerns are an issue. increase due to the increased levels of oxygen that stimulate microbial Vermicomposting is worm composting. ration, bedding, etc. Photo credit: Robert Rynk, Compost Education and Resources for Western Agriculture project, Washington State University. as 1-4 months, or up to 4-8 months with less frequent turning and US Composting Council. 2016. composting. About compared to their concentrations in the original materials. (Available online at: Bellows, B. management. Proper mixing of the In the curing phase, compost is not yet mature. Compost feedstocks may contain synthetic pesticide contaminants that are not degraded in the composting process, and can contribute to crop, soil, or water contamination. design and maintenance of the airflow system, potential odour management, Cornell Waste Management Institute [Online]. of the existing windrow may not get turned into the middle of the This farm-scale rotating drum is used at a Texas site. During drier months having a flat-topped maintain good airflow through the pile or windrow. the windrow. Compost made in accordance with the above production criteria may be applied in organic production systems without restriction on the time interval between application and crop harvest. Select and manage sites to minimize runoff from the compost piles ATTRA publication #IP173. the release of carbon dioxide, water vapour and other gases. centre of the new windrow. This temperature is known to kill most pathogens and weed The information in this factsheet is provided for informational NOP compost requirements can also be met by vermicompost (compost produced by the action of earthworms), so long as: a. Many are continuous flow and designed for high it is also imperative to have appropriate sites for the safe storage of the windrow. They are usually used for high volume coarse material under the pile. seeds. The loader is used to lift and turn the windrow over into the space Field Storage of Solid Manure or Prescribed Materials, Temporary Field In the summer, evaporation can also occur and dry out the compost Lab tests conditions or lack of oxygen. Photo credit: Robert Rynk, Compost Education and Resources for Western Agriculture project, Washington State University. pH values or high salt contents all of which can damage or kill may have higher levels of organic acids, high C:N ratios, extreme The time to cure may vary up to a year but is generally critical. Traditionally some farmers allowed manure to pile up and it decomposed Composting Homepage, On-Farm The Oxygen levels will rise immediately after Covers must down the length of the centre of the pad. Before using compost as a soil amendment, it is a good idea to evaluate its quality by determining moisture content, organic matter content, C:N ratio, and pH (Table 1). The monitoring of the above parameters must be documented in the Organic System Plan in accordance with 205.203(c) and submitted by the producer and verified during the site visit. the material from one channel to another. Wet materials and Windrows are The decomposition occurs in a well-managed process to obtain specific volume to be handled and transported to the field utilization site. While it is the easiest and least expensive composting system, Maintaining adequate aeration during this phase of intense microbial activity is especially important because aerobic decomposition is most efficient and produces finished compost in the shortest amount of time. Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Fans are attached to the ventilation concrete channels that may have aerated floors and be turned either used for the turning. Some markets may the required temperatures have been achieved. original compost feedstock volume. Temperatures are more stable (usually less Turned windrows require more labour than aerated piles and may have been heat treated within the windrow and increase the survival 2011b. materials that reduce microbial activity. In agronomic and horticultural operations, compost can be used as a soil amendment, seed starter, mulch, container mix ingredient, or natural fertilizer, depending on its characteristics. Water is required to maintain the The nutrient value of compost can be highly variable depending up a compost windrow. and has the potential to reduce conflicts with neighbours. Rural loader fills the spreader, which is used to discharge material to are mixed and the pile is created, temperatures rise (above 45C) This can offer advantages for both storage and field application pile. to force air into the windrow or to pull air out of the windrow. materials or feedstocks that are composted are livestock manures Curing or Mesophilic stage - after the main thermophilic Figure 5. In-vessel systems have more management and design requirements and sometimes referred to as carbon materials or bulking materials since law, the law prevails. as hot spots. The disadvantage is An example description of these bins can be On-farm composting handbook. used under some conditions. Frequent turning However, recognizing that background levels of pesticides are present in the environment (referred to as unavoidable residual environmental contaminationURECin the regulations) and may be present in organic production systems, NOP regulation does not mandate zero tolerance for synthetic pesticide residues in inputs, such as compost. Water is released pathogen kill (55 C). It has been estimated that less than 15% of the nitrogen and low C:N ratios during the first few days of composting. disturbing the aeration system). difficult to turn the piles as a means of correcting problems such Most nitrogen remaining after completion of the composting process is bound into organic forms and thus not available immediately for plant uptake. Guidance: Processed animal manures in organic crop production [Online]. daily temperature recording during the active phase, to ensure that is frequently straw or mature compost and is 6-12 in. that the thermometer has a one metre (or three-foot stem) with a The frequency of turning They range not allow or want some materials in the compost. where temperatures are well below the temperatures required for of pathogens and weed seeds. Available at: Agricultural Marketing ServiceNational Organic Program [Online]. 1998. The outside Excess P can result in surface water pollution (and potentially threaten organic certification). is not covered to prevent the inclusion of rainwater. Turning compost Another design of this system allows for a windrow to be established are also some losses of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide Available at: Cooperband, L. 2002a. If the specific material. Turning too frequently can make the material too dry. Photo credit: David Granatstein, Compost Education and Resources for Western Agriculture project, Washington State University. be used. University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2002. Leave adequate space between There Frequently several materials need to be mixed in appropriate nutrients, but it also increases costs dramatically. materials throughout the windrow. can be time consuming (high labour costs) for large quantities of When compost is too dry moisture can be compost. Mature compost stores well and is biologically stable, free of unpleasant odors, and easier to handle and less bulky than raw organic wastes. Compost should be considered a slow-release source of nitrogen. Several comprehensive resources providing detailed explanations of the composting process and specific information on how to make compost are available; examples includeThe Art and Science of Composting (Cooperband, 2002a), Composting on Organic Farms (Baldwin and Greenfield, 2009), and On-Farm Composting Handbook (Rynk, 1992). Compost managers should to increase the moisture within the windrow and to increase the In addition to having suitable sites for the composting process tour other similar facilities and compare notes with others to learn When using a negative Check with your Ministry of Environment and local municipal When using this method, nutrient availability in compost must also be taken into account. If you management are disadvantages. Similarly, clopyralid can contaminate compost made from clippings from treated lawns. Animal and plant materials include: (2) Composted plant and animal materials produced though a process that: (i) Established an initial C:N ratio of between 25:1 and 40:1; and (ii) Maintained a temperature of between 131F and 170F for 3 days using an in-vessel or static aerated pile system; or (iii) Maintained a temperature of between 131F and 170F for 15 days using a windrow composting system, during which period, the materials must be turned a minimum of five times. In-vessel composting systems include a group of composting methods. the centre of the windrow, as well as near the surface of the windrow, are also higher than for aerated piles, depending on available equipment dry weather conditions, the surface layer of the windrow can become Water For more information on this topic see the OMAFRA Building soil organic matter with organic amendments. Do not allow contaminated materials include geotextiles. Maturity is an indication of the degree of humification or the conversion Both on-site and off-site water runoffs must be addressed. hot spots where there is overheating or accumulation of high moisture more than 1-2 m through the compost material. Baldwin, K. R., and J. T. Greenfield. compost. criteria may need to be developed by local engineers and other professionals Compost production practices, including the type and source of all feedstock materials, temperature monitoring logs by date, and practices used to achieve uniform elevated temperatures, should be described in the organic system plan (OSP). or when selling compost as a soil amendment or fertilizers. the pile. The use of broiler litter as a feedstock for compost production poses some additional concerns. Codified at 7 C.F.R., part 205. When compost is too wet, the turning will Static compost piles with passive aeration tubes. materials and conditions. It is made from allowed feedstock materials (either nonsynthetic substances not prohibited at 205.602, or synthetics approved for use as plant or soil amendments); b. Aerobicity is maintained by regular additions of thin layers of organic matter at 13 day intervals; c. Moisture is maintained at 7090%; and d. The duration of vermicomposting is at 612 months for outdoor windrows, 24 months for indoor container systems, 24 months for angled wedge systems, or 3060 days for continuous flow reactors. in buildings designed for the purpose. This type of composting does not reach high Available at: Rynk, R. 1992. contain more lignin and are very slow to break down. Composting is much more than just aging manure - it is a science. at the start, are pitfalls of aerated piles. Board of Regents, Washington State University, Puyallup. Accessing this message means you do not have a JavaScript enabled browser. Emily Marriott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ed Zaborski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. would reintroduce potential pathogens into the compost. An analysis of your materials will help you to Divert runoff from land upslope with berms or curbs away from the The choice of input materials for composting may depend on the (Available online at: Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. Composting can create an additional value-added product that can Turning is the mechanical agitation and mixing of the windrow
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